Seba Órdenes.
Un compañero de Ing. Física
Lugar de atención: Biblioteca Central (Lado Nor-Oriente)
Requisitos: Cédula de identidad y Tarjeta Nacional
Estudiantil (pase escolar)
- Lunes 27 de abril:
desde RUT: 5.000.000 hasta 15.841.299
Desde las 10:00 a 17:00 hrs.
- Martes 28 de abril:
desde RUT 15.841.300 hasta 16.358.299
Desde las 13:00 a 20:00 hrs.
- Miércoles 29 de abril:
desde RUT 16.358.300 hasta 16.699.750
Desde las 13:00 a 20:00 hrs.
- Jueves 30 de abril:
desde RUT 16.699.751 hasta 17.040.999
Desde las 10:00 a 17:00 hrs.
- Lunes 04 de mayo:
desde RUT 17.041 hasta 22.799.999
Desde las 10:00 a 17:00 hrs.
1.- Este calendario de PEGADO DE SELLO 2009 corresponde
a todos los alumnos antiguos matriculados antes del 15 de abril
del presente año.
2.- SÓLO se atenderá a los alumnos de acuerdo a las fechas
indicadas, si NO concurres cuando te corresponde, deberás
realizar este proceso desde el 18 de mayo al 06 de junio en
el centro cultural "La Cúpula ", ubicado en el Parque O’higgins.
Written by Nancy Atkinson
“Professor Hawking is a remarkable colleague. We all hope he will be amongst us again soon,” said Professor Peter Haynes, head of the university’s Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics.
Hawking had canceled an appearance at Arizona State University on April 6 because of his illness.
He announced last year that he would step down from his post as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, a title once held by the great 18th century physicist Isaac Newton, and the end of this academic year. However, the university said Hawking intended to continue working as Emeritus Lucasian Professor of Mathematics.
Hawking has described himself as “lucky” despite his disease[29]. Its slow progression has allowed him time to make influential discoveries and it has not hindered him from having a very full life.
Source: Yahoo News
Filed under: Physics